Community Outreach Programme

Outdoor Art Excursion


Our biennale in-house exhibitions present opportunities for learners to participate and have their ideas and artworks shared with parents, public and friends. These exhibitions offer a gallery-based learning experience for all, as well as curatorial engagements for our older students.

Each exhibition is armed with a theme that engages the audience with a multi-sensorial and insights into our artists’ journey. We showcase students and teachers artworks, conduct live talks and sharing, design and build interactive installations, and host art tours during the biennale exhibition.

Check out our past exhibition documentations here.

Collaboration with Schools

In collaboration with kindergartens and schools, we customise educational programmes  (Arts/S.T.E.A.M) that meet the school’s learning needs and environment. We believe in partnering with other learning institutions to support cross-learning and cross-disciplinary approaches. 

Speak to us to find out how we can tailor the programme you need for your students.

Collaborate with us!